Behind the Meter Storage Program Participation
Increasing adoption of electric vehicles (EV), solar photovoltaic (PV), battery and thermal storage, and energy-efficient building technologies is expected to have significant impact on energy use and domestic manufacturing. While each of these technologies can make contributions to the U.S. economy, integrating them in ways that optimize cost and energy flows for varying energy demand and climate conditions across the country can lead to multiplicative positive impacts.
The Behind The Meter Storage (BTMS) Program is a US Department of Energy funded Program managed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. BTMS research is targeted at developing innovative energy storage technology specifically optimized for stationary applications that will enable extreme fast charging of EVs, allow for enhanced grid interactive energy efficient buildings coupled with photovoltaic resources, while minimizing grid impacts.
BTMS participants include the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (acting as Program manager), Sandia national Laboratory, The Idaho National Laboratory, the Argonne National Laboratory and Electric Applications Incorporated. EAI’s role is to provide real world grid energy storage system input and to test Lead battery technology for use in optimized storage applications. This includes development of test protocols representative of demand reduction duty in an EV fast charging application as depicted below. This test protocol is then applied to various conventional and advanced lead battery products to develop data for design of an optimized storage system.